Monday, 13 July 2015

Ihi and Wehi - class notes

What we buy and consume has become what we are, and what we portray out to the world.

Things to consider when rethinking retail:

How is it displayed and held physically and conceptually in the store, creating a feeling and projecting a power/charm.

- Aim for the emotional response
- How does it make you feel?
- Is it a juxtaposition tot he space surrounding it?
- Aim to make people relaxed and trusting in the space.

Rethinking Retail

- How do we shop?
Shopping is an everyday activity and ranges from supermarket shopping for food to sustain our lives, buying clothes, buying a daily coffee and predominately life surrounds consumerism. Shopping occurs in a physical matter, buying in a store, but within the last decade online shopping has become a major and common way of shopping and is a popular way of purchasing goods.

- Why do we shop?
We shop to provide enjoyment, assist with everyday activities, or to meet cultural expectations.

- When do we shop?
Shopping has become a 24/7 possibility. With online shopping now a frequent option for major shopping centres, hours of retail spaces does not limit the timings of shopping to consumers. We shop when we are in need of a new thing, or even when it is a want. The transaction of buying a product is worldwide and is an ever repeating process.

- Comparing virtual online shopping to physical retail environments

- How are you going to change the experience of shopping

- The advent of shopping centres:
occupied by the franchisers
internet and massmedia

Things to consider: is it a long term and temporary shop? Will it integrate other elements to it such as a public space, galleries or performance spaces.

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